Sunday, December 12, 2010

FRAGILE.. this must be italian.

well.. its been a few days since i've last written. i havent had a computer for a few days and i dont enjoy writing long posts on my phone.. takes too long. So tonight i went and attended a game/movie night at one of my BFs apartment. we had treats and played catch phrase and then watched a christmas story. very fantastic evening. i dont believe we were there more than 10 minutes when this kid shows up. his name is caleb. no one invited him and no one knows who he is. he basically just invited himself in. WEIRDO! so he made himself at home and ate a lot of the food and sucked bad at the game.. skyler was kind of annoyed with him since he was on his team. but none the less still a fun and entertaining night. both tara and myself fell asleep during the movie. i dont think i've stayed awake during a movie for quite some time now. speaking of MOVIES.. eclipse came out last week. that would be the 3rd twilight movie for all you non fans. best movie ever. i've already watched it 5 times and i've only owned it for 7 days. i love it that much. SO funny story. church today right.. so i swear i end up sitting behind this couple every week. they basically make me sick. so today yes once again i end up sitting behind them.. it was the worst experience of my life. very disgusting. they were just making out the whole entire time and i couldn't even pay attention to the speakers. the very back 2 rows which consisted of me, val, one of the speakers parents and then a lot of people from my ward (being combined with other wards we all end up sitting by each other) and it was just very disturbing.. but being so disturbing we all ended up just laughing the whole time. basically this whole sunday has been very interesting from these experiences. one experience making me never wanting to do any sort of public display of affection.. and the other experience making me never want to end up being a weirdo who just shows up at peoples houses who i dont know and invite myself in and make myself at home. anyways.. i have convinced my father and the rest of the bishopric in my ward to try and hook me up with a certain young man in my ward. we shall see how that turns out. if it does i owe them all big time. probably bake them a cake or cookies or design some lovely cupcakes for them. we will pray this goes well. its time for me to get over the last relationship and move on with life. i vote yes. i've held my self back from any sort of relationship because the last one was such a sham and ruined any desire of men i wanted for quite a while. but in all honesty not all men are A-HOLES. (sorry for the suggestive wordage) which this might be why i'm attracted to a certain individual. he went home for christmas break so i have to wait til he gets back for the old men to do their duties but thats fine. whatever happens with whoever will be well worth the wait. now SCOOT!


  1. a- that is really random that someone just invited himself to your party. who does that?

    b- that couple is the REASON i hate singles wards... there always seems to be at least one couple like them. gross.

    c- i love you. :)

  2. Agreed! Public displays of affection are a little bit of a sensitive area for me now, but that was probably one of the most entertaining sacrament meetings I've had in quite some time! PS - I have someone to go on a date with you. He's going to hook me up too so we can double. :)
